朗誦詞:反迫害25周年 法輪功美國華府燭光夜悼













As the sun sets on the nation’s capital, we gather here once again… this time to mark 25 years of the Chinese communist regime’s persecution of Falun Gong.

Falun Gong is a traditional spiritual practice that combines meditation and gentle exercises similar to tai chi. Its moral philosophy teaches people to live by the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance. Falun Gong became very popular in China in the 90s, due to its health benefits. Moreover, the practice allowed Chinese to reconnect with their spiritual heritage, which was almost lost under communist rule. Within seven years of it being made public, upwards of 100-million people had taken up the practice.

However, in July 1999, the Chinese Communist Party began a ruthless persecution against Falun Gong followers. Overnight, the Chinese regime targeted Falun Gong as the enemy of the state, persecuting and killing young and old alike. Suddenly millions of innocent people, as well as their families, faced brutal persecution from a modern-day Gestapo.

The Chinese regime seeks to eradicate people’s belief in God… and replace it with unwavering loyalty to the Communist Party. From one day to the next, Falun Gong practitioners became the largest group of prisoners of conscience in China. The persecution continues to this day. Falun Gong followers are thrown in jails, labor camps, mental hospitals, and brainwashing centers. And not long after the persecution began… Chinese military hospitals expanded organ transplant programs around the country—and advertised the short wait times for organ transplants worldwide. Untold thousands and possibly millions of Falun Gong followers have been killed for their organs. It’s become a multi-billion dollar state-sanctioned industry in China.

In the course of 25 years of persecution, we have received so much support from the US government. Just a few weeks ago, the House of Representatives unanimously passed the Falun Gong Protection Act. Its goal is to end forced organ harvesting of Falun Gong in China, which continues to this day. We are very grateful for the tremendous support we’ve received from both sides of the aisle. And the State Department’s 2023 Report on International Religious Freedom mentions Falun Gong more than 50 times.

We may never know how many millions have been killed. Although they have left this world, their spirits live on.

For twenty-five years, our faith and perseverance have endured. We have peacefully shed light on the persecution without wavering for one moment. The wind and rain, the cold of winter and heat of summer have never stopped us from taking a stand against this unprecedented persecution. With compassion for the abusers as well as for the Falun Gong followers suffering abuse, we make phone calls to the dark dens where our people are tortured and killed… and give even the worst abusers a chance to choose a brighter future.

And in fact, our efforts have not been in vain. People the world over have come to know what Falun Gong is and why the Chinese Communist Party wants to eradicate the practice. And while our numbers may not be large, our impact is immeasurable. We will never give up and never give in… until our brethren in China can breathe the air of freedom. That day is sure to come. One day soon, the sun will set on this persecution for good.

If you’re just passing by, we invite you to come and take a candle and sit with us now. Grab a yellow mat and join us in taking a stand against the persecution.



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